Getting the Full Picture of Your Decay Risk Leads to Better Prevention Strategies

Getting the Full Picture of Your Decay Risk Leads to Better Prevention Strategies

Preventing tooth decay is mostly about the basics: daily brushing and flossing followed by regular dental cleanings and checkups. But there’s also a bigger picture: your own personal risk profile for decay based on factors you can modify directly — and those you can’t. The first type of factor usually involves habits and behavior that either work with your mouth’s natural defenses to fight decay or against it. Besides regular hygiene, your diet is probably the most important of these you can modify for better dental health. A diet rich in fresh vegetables, protein and dairy products boosts strong, healthy … Continue reading

Game, Set, Match: Milos Raonic Says A Mouthguard Helps Him Win

Milos Raonic Says A Mouthguard Helps Him Win

When you’re among the top players in your field, you need every advantage to help you stay competitive: Not just the best equipment, but anything else that relieves pain and stress, and allows you to play better. For top-seeded Canadian tennis player Milos Raonic, that extra help came in a somewhat unexpected form: a custom made mouthguard that he wears on the court and off. “[It helps] to not grind my teeth while I play,” said the 25-year-old up-and-coming ace. “It just causes stress and headaches sometimes.” Mouthguards are often worn by athletes engaged in sports that carry the risk … Continue reading

Find and Treat the Actual Source of Tooth Pain to Relieve it

Find and Treat the Actual Source of Tooth Pain to Relieve it

Determining which of your teeth is causing your toothache isn’t always easy — or even if it’s a tooth at all. The pain could be coming from a tooth, the gums, or both. Only a thorough dental examination can pinpoint the exact cause and best course of treatment. If a decayed tooth is the problem, the pain may be coming from nerves and other tissue deep within the tooth’s pulp. The symptoms could be dull or sharp, constant or intermittent, specific to one area or spread out. It’s even possible for the pain to suddenly subside after a few days. … Continue reading

FAQs About Children’s Dental Development

Children's Dental Development

Watching your newborn develop into a toddler, then an elementary schooler, a teenager, and finally an adult is one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences there is. Throughout the years, you’ll note the passing of many physical milestones — including changes that involve the coming and going of primary and permanent teeth. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about children’s dental development. When will I see my baby’s first tooth come in? The two lower front teeth usually erupt (emerge from the gums) together, between the ages of 6 and 10 months. But your baby’s teeth may … Continue reading

Expert Advice: Vivica A. Fox on Kissing and Oral health

Vivica A. Fox on Kissing and Oral health

Is having good oral hygiene important to kissing? Who’s better to answer that question than Vivica A. Fox? Among her other achievements, the versatile actress won the “Best Kiss” honor at the MTV Movie Awards, for a memorable scene with Will Smith in the 1996 blockbuster Independence Day. When Dear Doctor magazine asked her, Ms. Fox said that proper oral hygiene was indeed essential. Actually, she said: “Ooooh, yes, yes, yes, Honey, ’cause Baby, if you kiss somebody with a dragon mouth, my God, it’s the worst experience ever as an actor to try to act like you enjoy it!” … Continue reading

Even Celebrities Like Jennifer Lawrence Aren’t Immune From Bad Breath!

Jennifer Lawrence

Exchanging passionate kisses with big-screen star Jennifer Lawrence might sound like a dream come true. But according to Liam Hemsworth, her Hunger Games co-star, it could also be a nightmare… because J.Law’s breath wasn’t always fresh. “Anytime I had to kiss Jennifer was pretty uncomfortable,” Hemsworth said on The Tonight Show. Lawrence said the problem resulted from her inadvertently consuming tuna or garlic before the lip-locking scenes; fortunately, the two stars were able to share a laugh about it later. But for many people, bad breath is no joke. It can lead to embarrassment and social difficulties — and it … Continue reading

Encourage Your College-Bound Child to Practice Good Oral Health Habits

Encourage Your College-Bound Child to Practice Good Oral Health Habits

It’s a big transition when your child enters college — for both of you. You may find “cutting the apron strings” a little rocky at times. But like most parents, you’ll soon condense what you still want your college kid to do down to a few major habits and choices. Be sure to keep health, diet and lifestyle choices on that list, areas which could have the most effect on their long-term health and well-being. That should include dental care. Hopefully, they’ve already developed good hygiene habits like daily brushing and flossing and regular dental visits. But, on their own … Continue reading

Dr. Travis Stork: Don’t Ignore Bleeding Gums

Dr Travis Stork

Are bleeding gums something you should be concerned about? Dear Doctor magazine recently posed that question to Dr. Travis Stork, an emergency room physician and host of the syndicated TV show The Doctors. He answered with two questions of his own: “If you started bleeding from your eyeball, would you seek medical attention?” Needless to say, most everyone would. “So,” he asked, “why is it that when we bleed all the time when we floss that we think it’s no big deal?” As it turns out, that’s an excellent question — and one that’s often misunderstood. First of all, let’s … Continue reading

Difficult or Not, Plaque Removal is Necessary for Stopping Gum Disease

Periodontal Disease

When we refer to periodontal (gum) disease, we’re actually talking about a family of progressive, infectious diseases that attack the gums and other tissues attached to the teeth. Caused primarily by bacterial plaque left on tooth surfaces from inefficient oral hygiene, gum disease can ultimately lead to tooth loss. There’s only one way to stop the infection and restore health to diseased tissues — remove all of the offending plaque and calculus (hardened plaque deposits) possible from tooth and gum surfaces, including below the gum line at the roots. The basic tools for this task are specialized hand instruments called … Continue reading

Conscious Sedation can Help Ease Your Child’s Dental Visit Anxiety

Pediatric Dentistry

The best way to prevent dental visit anxiety in your children is start those visits around their first birthday, and continue with them through childhood. Age One visits are the best way to ensure they’re comfortable with the dentist now and that they’ll continue the habit into adulthood. But in spite of your best efforts and those of your dental provider, there’s no guarantee your child won’t experience dental visit anxiety at some point. If that happens, we recommend conscious sedation. Conscious sedation is the use of certain medications to help a patient relax. It’s not the same as anesthesia, … Continue reading