Extracting Certain Teeth can Boost Orthodontic Effectiveness

We treat most malocclusions (bad bites) with braces or clear aligners. But not all malocclusions are alike — some can require extra procedures to achieve successful results. One such example is when incoming teeth crowd other teeth and cause them to erupt abnormally. The crowding also reduces the space needed to move the misaligned teeth to better positions. To make more room we’ll often remove some of the teeth before undertaking orthodontics. The key is to extract the right teeth. The best candidates are those whose absence will have minimal effect on both appearance and dental function. That’s commonly the … Continue reading

Expert Advice: Vivica A. Fox on Kissing and Oral health

Vivica A. Fox on Kissing and Oral health

Is having good oral hygiene important to kissing? Who’s better to answer that question than Vivica A. Fox? Among her other achievements, the versatile actress won the “Best Kiss” honor at the MTV Movie Awards, for a memorable scene with Will Smith in the 1996 blockbuster Independence Day. When Dear Doctor magazine asked her, Ms. Fox said that proper oral hygiene was indeed essential. Actually, she said: “Ooooh, yes, yes, yes, Honey, ’cause Baby, if you kiss somebody with a dragon mouth, my God, it’s the worst experience ever as an actor to try to act like you enjoy it!” … Continue reading

Even Celebrities Like Jennifer Lawrence Aren’t Immune From Bad Breath!

Jennifer Lawrence

Exchanging passionate kisses with big-screen star Jennifer Lawrence might sound like a dream come true. But according to Liam Hemsworth, her Hunger Games co-star, it could also be a nightmare… because J.Law’s breath wasn’t always fresh. “Anytime I had to kiss Jennifer was pretty uncomfortable,” Hemsworth said on The Tonight Show. Lawrence said the problem resulted from her inadvertently consuming tuna or garlic before the lip-locking scenes; fortunately, the two stars were able to share a laugh about it later. But for many people, bad breath is no joke. It can lead to embarrassment and social difficulties — and it … Continue reading

Encourage Your College-Bound Child to Practice Good Oral Health Habits

Encourage Your College-Bound Child to Practice Good Oral Health Habits

It’s a big transition when your child enters college — for both of you. You may find “cutting the apron strings” a little rocky at times. But like most parents, you’ll soon condense what you still want your college kid to do down to a few major habits and choices. Be sure to keep health, diet and lifestyle choices on that list, areas which could have the most effect on their long-term health and well-being. That should include dental care. Hopefully, they’ve already developed good hygiene habits like daily brushing and flossing and regular dental visits. But, on their own … Continue reading

Eden Sher and the Lost Retainer

Eden Sher

Fans of the primetime TV show The Middle were delighted to see that high school senior Sue, played by Eden Sher, finally got her braces off at the start of Season 6. But since this popular sitcom wouldn’t be complete without some slapstick comedy, this happy event is not without its trials and tribulations: The episode ends with Sue’s whole family diving into a dumpster in search of the teen’s lost retainer. Sue finds it in the garbage and immediately pops it in her mouth. But wait — it doesn’t fit, it’s not even hers! If you think this scenario … Continue reading

Dwight Howard: A Bright NBA Star With a Smile to Match

Dwight Howard

Have you started orthodontic treatment recently? Are you having a little trouble getting used to your braces? If so, you are not alone: Everybody goes through an adjustment period during which they momentarily wonder if they’ll really ever get used to this. Don’t worry — you will! And we’ve never heard anyone say, on the day their braces come off and their new smile is revealed, that they aren’t glad they went the distance. Just ask Houston Rockets all-star center Dwight Howard, who discussed his own orthodontic treatment in a recent interview. “I’m sure I was no different than anyone … Continue reading

Dr. Travis Stork: If Only I’d Worn A Mouthguard!

Dr Travis Stork

If we could go back in time, we all probably have a few things we wish we could change. Recently, Dr. Travis Stork, emergency room physician and host of the syndicated TV show The Doctors, shared one of his do-over dreams with Dear Doctor magazine: “If I [could have] gone back and told myself as a teenager what to do, I would have worn a mouthguard, not only to protect my teeth but also to help potentially reduce risk of concussion.” What prompted this wish? The fact that as a teenage basketball player, Stork received an elbow to the mouth … Continue reading

Dr. Travis Stork: Don’t Ignore Bleeding Gums

Dr Travis Stork

Are bleeding gums something you should be concerned about? Dear Doctor magazine recently posed that question to Dr. Travis Stork, an emergency room physician and host of the syndicated TV show The Doctors. He answered with two questions of his own: “If you started bleeding from your eyeball, would you seek medical attention?” Needless to say, most everyone would. “So,” he asked, “why is it that when we bleed all the time when we floss that we think it’s no big deal?” As it turns out, that’s an excellent question — and one that’s often misunderstood. First of all, let’s … Continue reading

Don’t Ignore Tooth Pain – You May Need a Root Canal

Tooth Pain

Tooth decay is one of the most common diseases in the world, nearly as prevalent as the common cold. It’s also one of the two major dental diseases—the other being periodontal (gum) disease—most responsible for tooth and bone loss. Tooth decay begins with high levels of acid, the byproduct of oral bacteria feeding on food remnants like sugar. Acid can erode tooth enamel, leading to a cavity that will require removal of decayed material around it and then a filling. Sometimes, though, decay can spread deeper into the tooth reaching all the way to its core: the pulp with its … Continue reading

Don’t Fear the Root Canal – it Could Save Your Tooth

Root Canal Treatment

Many people consider a root canal treatment to be potentially an unpleasant experience. You might even feel a few butterflies fluttering in your stomach if we were to recommend one for you. But there’s nothing actually to dread about this common and very effective treatment. The procedure doesn’t cause pain; in fact, it most likely relieves tooth pain. What’s more, it could save a tooth that would be otherwise lost. The name comes from narrow passageways extending from the tip of the root to the innermost tooth pulp. The pulp contains nerves and other structures once vital to early tooth … Continue reading