Difficult or Not, Plaque Removal is Necessary for Stopping Gum Disease

Periodontal Disease

When we refer to periodontal (gum) disease, we’re actually talking about a family of progressive, infectious diseases that attack the gums and other tissues attached to the teeth. Caused primarily by bacterial plaque left on tooth surfaces from inefficient oral hygiene, gum disease can ultimately lead to tooth loss. There’s only one way to stop the infection and restore health to diseased tissues — remove all of the offending plaque and calculus (hardened plaque deposits) possible from tooth and gum surfaces, including below the gum line at the roots. The basic tools for this task are specialized hand instruments called … Continue reading

Dental Magic Transforms Smiles

Michel Grandinetti

Magician Michel Grandinetti can levitate a 500-pound motorcycle, melt into a 7-foot-tall wall of solid steel, and make borrowed rings vanish and reappear baked inside bread. Yet the master illusionist admits to being in awe of the magic that dentists perform when it comes to transforming smiles. In fact, he told an interviewer that it’s “way more important magic than walking through a steel wall because you’re affecting people’s health… people’s confidence, and you’re really allowing people to… feel good about themselves.” Michael speaks from experience. As a teenager, his own smile was enhanced through orthodontic treatment. Considering the career … Continue reading

Dental Crowns for the King of Magic

Celebrity Smiles

You might think David Copperfield leads a charmed life:  He can escape from ropes, chains, and prison cells, make a Learjet or a railroad car disappear, and even appear to fly above the stage. But the illustrious illusionist will be the first to admit that making all that magic takes a lot of hard work. And he recently told Dear Doctor magazine that his brilliant smile has benefitted from plenty of behind-the-scenes dental work as well. “When I was a kid, I had every kind of [treatment]. I had braces, I had headgear, I had rubber bands, and a retainer … Continue reading

Could Your Metal Allergy Keep You From Obtaining Dental Implants?

Dental Implants

Dental implants are today’s closest restorative facsimile to natural teeth. And they’re versatile: not only can they replace single teeth but they can also support bridges or dentures. But since one of their crucial components is made of metal, are you out of luck obtaining this state-of-the-art dental restoration if you have a metal allergy? The answer is: probably not—it’s rare for implants to cause an allergic reaction. Still, metal allergies can be a potential problem within your mouth as with other areas of health. An allergy originates from the body’s necessary response to potentially harmful microorganisms or substances. Sometimes, … Continue reading

Could A Dental Checkup Save Your Life?

Dental Exam

Most everyone knows that going to see your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings can help save your smile — but did you ever stop to think that it just might save your life? That’s what recently happened to 11-year-old Journee Woodard of Edmond, Oklahoma. The young girl was having a routine teeth cleaning when hygienist Rachel Stroble noticed something unusual: The whites of her eyes (her sclera) had a distinctly yellow tint. Dr. Michael Chandler, Journee’s dentist, confirmed the hygienist’s suspicions, and advised her mom to take her for further testing. The tests revealed that Journee had a tumor … Continue reading

Cosmetic Gum Surgery Can Restore Health as Well as Appearance to Gums

Cosmetic Gum Surgery

We most often associate plastic surgery with cosmetic enhancements to our outer appearance. While this is their primary purpose, some forms of reconstructive surgery restore lost function and health as well as improve appearance. A classic example is cosmetic periodontal (gum) surgery that restores receded gum tissues that have exposed more of the tooth than is visually appealing. Gum recession occurs primarily because of excessive brushing (too hard or for too long) or because of periodontal (gum) disease, a bacterial infection that ultimately causes gum tissue to detach and pull away from the teeth. Gum recession not only affects the … Continue reading

Conscious Sedation can Help Ease Your Child’s Dental Visit Anxiety

Pediatric Dentistry

The best way to prevent dental visit anxiety in your children is start those visits around their first birthday, and continue with them through childhood. Age One visits are the best way to ensure they’re comfortable with the dentist now and that they’ll continue the habit into adulthood. But in spite of your best efforts and those of your dental provider, there’s no guarantee your child won’t experience dental visit anxiety at some point. If that happens, we recommend conscious sedation. Conscious sedation is the use of certain medications to help a patient relax. It’s not the same as anesthesia, … Continue reading

Composite Resin Could Transform Your Tooth’s Appearance in Just one Visit

Transform Your Tooth's Appearance

You’ve suddenly noticed one of your teeth looks and feels uneven, and it may even appear chipped. To make matters worse it’s right in front in the “smile zone” — when you smile, everyone else will notice it too. You want to have it repaired. So, what will it be — a porcelain veneer or crown? Maybe neither: after examining it, your dentist may recommend another option you might even be able to undergo that very day — and walk out with a restored tooth. This technique uses dental materials called composite resins.  These are blends of materials that can … Continue reading

Chrissy Teigen’s Teeth-Grinding Troubles

Chrissy Teigen

It might seem that supermodels have a fairly easy life — except for the fact that they are expected to look perfect whenever they’re in front of a camera. Sometimes that’s easy — but other times, it can be pretty difficult. Just ask Chrissy Teigen: Recently, she was in Bangkok, Thailand, filming a restaurant scene for the TV travel series The Getaway, when some temporary restorations (bonding) on her teeth ended up in her food. As she recounted in an interview, “I was… like, ‘Oh my god, is my tooth going to fall out on camera?’ This is going to … Continue reading

Certain Mouth Rashes Don’t Respond to Topical Steroid Treatments

Steroid Treatments

You’ve been treating a persistent rash around your mouth with medicated ointments, but it’s not going away. The problem may be the ointment — it could actually be sustaining the particular rash you have. Peri-oral dermatitis is a scaly rash with small bumps (some filled with pus) around the mouth, eyes or nose. It’s especially common among women ages 20-45, possibly due to hormonal factors or cosmetic use. Other than its unattractiveness you might not otherwise notice it, although it can cause stinging, itching or burning. There are ways to treat it effectively, though not necessarily the way you might … Continue reading